Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Women's's pop quiz time, y'all!

This semester I'm teaching an Introduction to Women's Studies class in order to buff up my CV and gain some more varied teaching experience. So far, two weeks in, it's been great experience. My students seem generally engaged and invested, and they talk in class without my prompting. I think it'll be a good semester, even if teaching a lecture class (as opposed to the discussion-based classes I've taught before) is a brand new thing for me.

That said, in order to help encourage them to do the readings, I'll be springing some pop quizzes on them here and there over the course of the semester. Tuesday's quiz was about women's suffrage and based on a chapter they read from Louise Michele Newman's book White Women's Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States (chapter 2: "The Making of a White Female Citizenry: Suffragism, Antisuffragism, and Race").

Anyway, here's the quiz. How would you fare?
  1. Define suffrage/suffragist.
  2. Define abolition/abolitionist.
  3. True or False?: Female anti-suffragists were also against women’s rights in other areas.
  4. True or False?: Black men were the most adamant opponents of a woman’s right to vote.
  5. True of False? Colorado and Wyoming were two of the first states to allow women the right to vote.
  6. True or False?: The 15th amendment gave women the right to vote.
  7. True or False?: The American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) and the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) were really the same organization.
  8. True or False?: Some suffragists argued that women should be allowed to vote because their “moral purity” would help rid politics of its corruption.
  9. Besides gender and race, name two other markers of identity that came into play in the suffrage movement.

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