Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Link round-up

While we're all gearing up for the Thursday debate (I will be live-blogging again, so stay-tuned) and we're distracted by our plummeting life savings, I thought I'd post a link round-up with a few recent stories of interest that you may or may not have come across yet.

Viva October!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There's a great post about breast cancer awareness over at BlogHer.

October is also LGBTQ history month. Check out the Human Rights Campaign website and my favorite LGBT entertainment site After Ellen or its brother site After Elton. And, don't forget, National Coming Out Day is October 11.

Reproductive Rights

The second two links are courtesy of Feministing. One good...
Planned Parenthood came out with a recent ad about Governor Palin forcing women to pay for their own rape kits when she was major of Wasilla:

One scary...
Colorado amendment would value zygotes over women.
I just moved to Colorado, and now I'm sad that I decided to stay registered in Virginia instead of registering here (although there a number of reasons why that would have been really difficult). The few months I've lived here, I was actually surprised how liberal Colorado seemed to me, even though I live in a pretty small city. But maybe it's true what Jon Stewart said about Colorado during the DNC: "There is absolutely no middle ground in this state: You're either a rapture-awaiting Promise Keeper or you drive a car that runs on gorp." Nevertheless, this possible amendment totally freaks me out. And that's an understatement.

Politically speaking...

Bill O'Reilly (::coughcrazyscaryfuckingassholecough::) compares Nancy Pelosi to Hitler:

An interesting article from the New York Times about the new President, the Supreme Court and international relations: When Judges Make Foreign Policy.

On a lighter note...

From Womanist Musings, Renee has a short, compelling post up about her period, which I really appreciated since it bugs me to no end that menstruation is still something I don't quite feel I should be talking about--especially not in detail--to any but my closest friends.

From Racialicious: Entertainment Weekly claims that there are fewer successful female rappers because record labels don't want to pay for their ostensibly higher hair and make-up costs.

And sign the petition over at The Hathor Legacy to convince MGM executives to put more of the 1980s female cop drama Cagney and Lacey on DVD (so far only the first season is out).

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