A most worthwhile petition; please consider following the link and signing (also post to Facebook, Twitter, etc.):
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43 year old mother of two, was convicted in May 2006 of having an “illicit relationship” with two men and received 99 lashes as her sentence. Despite already having been punished, she has now been further convicted of “adultery” and has been sentenced to death by stoning.See the petition for more information and/or read Marina Nemat's statement further down on the same page. She writes, in part:
Iran’s political prisons, including Evin, are still quite operational. People are tortured and executed in Iran on a daily basis. When atrocities happen, those who remain silent and don’t speak or act against evil become its accomplices. We cannot afford to wait for governments to bring about real change. I believe in the power of the individual. Each one of us can make the world a better place, even if only one small step at a time. We can create a ripple effect that will expand and eventually turn into a tsunami.Again, if you feel that this is a worthy cause (and, really, how can you not?), please sign the petition.
Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani has been condemned to death in Iran. There are many others who are languishing like her in their grave-like cells, maybe facing painful deaths. They are not alone or forgotten. Even if we don’t know all their names, we are with them. I do not believe in violence, but I do believe in the power of voices coming together as one. Let’s get our voices heard.
For more information, you can check out these news stories (among others):
Will We Again Abandon Afghan Women? | The New York Times
Details scarce surrounding Iranian widow’s ‘crimes’ | Globe and Mail
Iran stoning sentence woman asks to be reunited with her children | The Guardian
An Appeal for Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani | The Huffington Post